Saturday, June 14, 2014


My life is not a joke.

Yes, I do stupid things. I laugh, I cry, I say the the most random nonsense, but just because I don't make a big deal out of most of it, doesn't mean that any part of my life is insignificant.

It is.

Every laugh, every tear that is shed, every word spoken, every minute slept,
is all important.

Because it is all a part of my life. It's what I've spent my precious moments doing, and every second is worth something. That's because time goes by very fast. The seconds keep ticking by, never to return again. You can't go back and change them; can't redo them hoping for something better. They're gone.

That's why it is all important. Even if all you do for that single moment is sit on the couch and watch t.v. Even if all you do is sneeze, laugh at a stupid joke, or sleep all morning after a late night. No matter how insignificant that one moment may seem to you, that's a portion of your life. Those are minutes you are never going to get back.

It's all important. Cherish it.

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