Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I Want...

 I want to get away. Far away. I want to travel. Meet interesting people who I can not only have fun with but who make me think on a much deeper level than I had ever thought was possible. I want to experience the beauty of this world. To learn things that I cannot learn by just sitting in my bedroom on Saturday night. I want to eat foreign foods that I did not grow up eating. To listen to music that is new to my ears. I want get away. From this life. A life full of social media, editing pictures so they’re “posting perfect”, and college confusion. I want to not only run away from the stress of it all, but to cover it in flames and never look at it again. I want a fresh start. I want to start anew, and create a life that my heart can smile at. I want to tell people how much I love my life, and actually mean it. I want to love myself. I want to say what’s on my mind without the fear of sounding stupid. I want to have a passion… or many passions! Things that I’ll be willing to go after and spend all of my time working towards.

I want to forget how it feels to force a laugh and a fake a smile. I want to feel that I can call someone and know that they’ll answer right away and listen carefully to what I have to say. Someone who wants me to be happy and understands. I want to feel smart. And accomplished. And have the guts to choose a goal and go after it whole heartedly. I want to smile at whomever walks by and say “Hello!” To see someone I find attractive and tell them how much I love their eyes or hair or outfit, and not even give it a second thought. I want to call my loved ones and ask them about their day. Make them feel like they are loved. I want to feel loved.

I don’t know where I’m going with this… I guess I just thought that if I let out all of my wishes and desires, it might give me the confidence and motivation to actually go out and make them happen.

Thanks for reading <3

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


So I have recently come to the conclusion that you cannot just force yourself to be happy. Pasting a smile on your face when all you really want to do is frown isn't going to help anything. Laughing at things that you don't even think are funny is definitely not going to make your day better. And telling someone that you're okay when really your soul is screaming out from the inside is certainly not going to help you any.

So why do we do that? Why do we lie, and cover up our problems when all that's going to do is make us feel worse? It's a terrible feeling, really, when you've just spent your entire morning moping in bed, wanting nothing more than just to spend the rest of your day doing just that. And then you've got to force yourself to crawl out of bed, put on a happy face and when someone asks you later how you are doing, you have to say "Oh, I'm great!" When your brain is saying, "No, I'm really not."

If you're feeling unsure about life, and sad but can't figure out why, then maybe it's time that you change something. In other words, I haven't been at my happiest lately. Crying spells, followed with days where I have to keep myself smiling with positive quotes on Pinterest and forced laughter when I hear my dad's jokes at the dinner table. How is that a life?  Or really, how has that turned into my life? I don't like it. Not one bit. And I've decided that this is motivation enough to change some part of my life that has obviously gone very wrong.

I clearly can't go too drastic. There's no moving away to England and starting fresh. No quitting school and joining the circus. But I can start with a few smaller, more simple things.

Like waking up a little earlier, and eating fresh fruit for breakfast as I watch the sunrise. Doing a little more walking and enjoying the sunshine outside rather than spending hours staring at the computer screen. Complimenting people whenever I go out, just to make their day a little better. Doing things like that are sure to make me feel happier, and I hope that if any of you need to get out of a funk, that doing these things will help you too!

<3 Sarah

Check out this post, and others, on my blog!

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Procrastination Suuucks

So I have a paper due, two quizzes tomorrow that I need to study for, and homework for a math class that I REALLY should be doing, but I’m not. Instead, for the last few hours, I’ve been coming up with a million different reasons on why I need to be doing other things first.

“Oh, I’ll do my essay right now… But firrrst, Facebook!”

“Geeez, I really need to be studying but wait! I haven’t written on my blog in ages!”

“Okay, time to get workin on that darn h.w. Oh, look! The mail truck is here! I must go see what I got!”

Why, oh why, dear people, do I do this? I know I’m not the only one, so tell me… why do YOU procrastinate? I know in the back of my mind that the sooner I do my homework, the sooner I can go and do other, more enticing things, yet I still refuse to get it done. I really don’t understand! If ya’ll have any ideas, or ways that you get over your own procrastination, PLEASE let me know. I need all of the help that I can get.

<3 Sarah

Monday, April 13, 2015

About Me

Welcome gals and gents! My name is Sarah, with an h because h’s are NOT ew!! (Did you get the Jimmy Fallon reference? Did ya?) Just in case you were curious, I’ve decided to give you guys a little more info about me. You know, just because I felt like it.

First of all, I’m a college student who loves all things makeup, photography, and writing. I’m rather new to blogging so be easy on me! I’m still trying to figure everything out. I am a total food junkie so you’re more than likely to find a few posts relating to yummy food. I am also a huge animal lover, reader, and quote addict so be on the lookout for lots of those! I like to think that there is beauty all around us, you just have to be aware of it, so I often bring my camera with me when I go out just in case I see something that I want capture and remember forever. It could be anything; the way the sunlight looks when it cuts through the trees just before sunset..


Or cute little fluffy animals…


My obsess… love, for Disney movies.


And muuuch more. To put it simply, I’m just a regular ol’ college student/makeup lover/blogger/food junkie/animal lover who watches waaaay too much Jimmy Fallon and could probably use a nice break from the internet but just CAN’T STOP.
I hope you all enjoyed this little snippet into my life and please feel free to comment and let me know what you think of it, or if you have any ideas on how I can improve my site!

Love, Sarah <3

Check out my other blog: 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

(#2) One Sentence a Day (at least)

I had my midterms today and they went better than expected. I’m so happy that it’s finally spring break because I am in DESPERATE need of a nice, relaxing vacation. No h.w., boring class discussions, and most importantly, no waking up early in the morning to a blaring alarm. I’m going on a mini vacay with my mom and brother this weekend, so that’ll be a nice start to my break!

Are any of you in college? What are your plans for break? Let me know in the comments! :)

Check out this post, and others, on my blog!